Detoxing is the actual act of using ingredients to help flush those toxins out, allowing your body to reset and reach its normal “balance” point again. Detoxing has a ton of health benefits, including benefiting your skin’s healthy glow and increasing mental alertness, but with Detox Nourish, we’re targeting the more efficient weight loss benefit that comes from a good detox.
Detox drinks, such as Detox Nourish, can boost your metabolism and energy levels to support healthy weight loss. Not only can detox drinks like Detox Nourish provide benefits, but some noteworthy “detoxing fruits” like grapefruit and pineapple, even contain digestive enzymes that help the body to utilize protein, carbs, and sugar. This improved utilization of nutrients from Detox Nourish or specific nutrient-dense foods boosts your metabolism, helping your body become more efficient at burning calories and utilizing stored body fat as a fuel source.
^When accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Citric acid, natural flavoring, stevia leaf extract, malic acid, silica, natural bitterness blocker.
Allergen warning: None.
Manufactured in a facility that also uses milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, and soybeans
If you are pregnant, nursing, allergic, or have a medical condition, or are taking any medications, consult a doctor before using this or any other dietary supplement. Do not use if product has been opened or tampered with in any other way. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place.
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