Unflavored collagen for supporting the strength and health of joints, tendons, bones and ligaments – with nicotinamide riboside for healthy aging.
Power-up your favorite beverage with nutrients that support joint and muscle health, cellular energy production, training, recovery, and healthy aging.
Collagen Fit is an unflavored collagen powder designed with the toughest competitors in mind. With collagen peptides that promote joint health and the growth of lean muscle mass, plus nicotinamide riboside (NR) for cellular energy and cellular repair, Thorne’s newest collagen formula keeps you moving from morning to night. The unflavored formula mixes easily in a hot or cold beverage, allowing you to get your collagen your way – in your coffee, your smoothie, or your own beverage creation.
A deeper look into Collagen Fit’s ingredients:
Collagen Peptides
Thorne's Collagen Fit contains 15 grams of types I and III, grass-fed, hormone-free collagen per serving. Collagen is rich in the amino acids that function as the building blocks for the body’s bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, and other connective tissues.* Collagen peptides, also known as collagen hydrolysate, undergo a unique process that breaks collagen into shorter amino acid chains (peptides) that are easier to digest, as well as being free of the harsh chemicals used in other mainstream collagen products.
Benefits of Collagen Peptides:
Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)
Both normal aging and a modern lifestyle – lack of sleep, excessive stress, an unbalanced diet – lead to a declining level of NAD+ in the body. NR increases the body’s natural production of NAD+, a coenzyme that is a key component in the production of cellular energy.
Benefits of NR:
A superior methyl donor, Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine, supports the body’s natural methylation processes.
Benefits of betaine:
Защита от вскрытия. Продукт следует использовать лишь в том случае, если флакон запечатан. Хранить упаковку плотно закрытой в сухом и прохладном месте. Перед началом применения во время беременности следует проконсультироваться с лечащим врачом.
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