Did you know that at any given time, almost half of the United States population is trying to lose weight? And they are right to do so: research shows that a 5% reduction in your total body weight can lead to significant health benefits. Unfortunately for many of us the numbers creep back up on the scale after we get to our goal weight. Why is achieving and maintaining weight loss so hard? The answer has less to do with “dieting” and more to do with the choices that you make, every day.
Fewer calories, healthier foods
The formula for losing weight is pretty simple: you need to burn more calories than you get from the food you eat, every day. This is called a caloric deficit—when you achieve this daily, your body turns to burning stored fat to make up the difference.
The problem is, maintaining a caloric deficit can be difficult. Your body is used to eating a certain amount every day. So when it’s not getting its usual amount of calories, it will send you signals to keep eating. That’s where the Metabolaid® lemon verbena and hibiscus flower extract combo in Body Trim & Appetite Control comes in. This clinically studied combination helps encourage satiety—that’s the feeling you get when you’re “full”. This makes it easier to stick to your weight-loss plan!
Lemon verbena & hibiscus extract
In a real-world study, men and women took the Metabolaid® extract combo for 90 days and tracked their food intake and weight loss progress on a mobile app. Not only did over 85% of the participants report a weight reduction, they averaged over 12 pounds lost in 3 months!
Clinical research backs up this finding: in two separate studies following overweight women, 500 mg of Metabolaid® produced a significant reduction in body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage compared to placebo.
The next step (and arguably the trickiest part) is keeping the weight off. This is where most “diet plans” fail. Once you’ve lost some pounds you go back to the old habits: eating too much, not getting enough exercise, or just plain choosing the wrong foods.
†This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program. Individual results are not guaranteed and results may vary.
Экстракт рисовых отрубей, растительная целлюлоза (капсула), стеариновая кислота, диоксид кремния.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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