Your stomach contains acids to help you break down the foods you eat. These acids would damage the delicate lining of your stomach wall, if not for a protective coating of mucous. Gastro-Ease contains a specialized form of zinc plus a specialized strain of Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) to support this protective stomach layer. Support a healthy and protective stomach lining, and promote a balanced stomach environment with Gastro-Ease!
Benefits at a Glance:
Specialized form of zinc
Studies show that the trace mineral zinc promotes stomach health in a variety of ways. And when combined with carnosine (as zinc-L-carnosine), the effects are even more pronounced. This is because zinc-L-carnosine directly affects the cells of the stomach wall responsible for producing the protective layer of mucous.
Zinc-L-carnosine promotes a healthy inflammatory response, and encourages the healthy production of protective mucous. Zinc-L-carnosine supplementation also promotes digestive comfort: one study showed that 75 mg of twice-daily zinc-L-carnosine significantly reduced factors associated with gastric discomfort in just 8 weeks.
Specialized strain of Lactobacillus reuteri promotes balance
Pylopass is a patented strain of L. reuteri bacteria. This specialized strain helps to promote healthy stomach flora by selectively binding with a specific bacterium, which can affect the health of the protective mucous layer in your stomach.
Support a healthy and protective stomach lining, promote a balanced stomach environment, and promote gastric comfort with this unique, dual-action formula. Add Gastro-Ease to your daily gastric health regimen today.
Не является лекарственным средством
Информация о Добавках | ||
Serving Size: 1 Vegetarian Capsule | ||
Amount Per Serving | %Daily Value | |
Zinc (from 75 mg of PepZinGI zinc L-carnosine) | 16.5 mg | 110% |
Pylopass Lactobacillus reuteri | 100 mg | ** |
**Daily Value not established. |
Другие Ингредиенты
Dextrin, rice concentrate, vegetable cellulose (capsule), silica.
Take one (1) capsule twice daily, after breakfast and before bed, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place.
Caution: Supplemental zinc can inhibit the absorption and availability of copper. If more than 50 mg of supplemental zinc is taken daily on a chronic basis, 2 mg supplemental copper should also be taken to prevent copper deficiency. Chronic ingestion of more than 100 mg zinc daily may be immunosuppresive for some aspects of T-cell and and NK cell function.
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